
Showing posts with the label Racing


ARCADE RACING RETRO GAMES BLOG :: From low res to high speed, racing games have come a long way! I remember playing my first racing video games in 1974 : " Gran Trak 10 " from Atari, a black-and-white top-down racer with white dots trace the borders of the track, we needed to avoid hitting the dots with a real steering wheel to control a car sprite. Then we've played in Night Driver in 1976 in arcades beside pinball machines; this also came out on the Atari 2600 in 1978. In 1980 , we had other types of arcade racers, one that I really enjoyed was Rally X from Namco; this was a top-down, multi-directional racing game with multiple paths and opposing racers. A few years later, in 1982 , Namco came out with Pole Position ! This arcade racer was one of the most influential racing games of all time. This is when a bright, third-person view graphics and smoothness of motion became a standard for racing games. The 2600 arcade port was still decent even with the console limitati...